Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Introduction - Chia Chee Pong

This is my 1st time for being a blogger. OK! Back to the main point, my name is Chia Chee Pong or you all can just call me as Pong Pong. I am currently studying hard for my degree-Entrepreneurship Year 1 Semester 3.

Just having the same opinion with Yuen Pin, I always found out that it is ridiculous for me to introduce myself to the others especially to strangers. Anyway i would try my best to make a ever perfect introduction for myself in this blog. Actually I am a easy-going guy, kind, friendly and so on. My hobbies are swimming, reading novel and watching drama. Swimming is the most i like among my hobbies since i was a child.

I am the oldest among my siblings. I have two brothers and a youngest sister. Time for me to describe my physical appearance, I strongly admit that I am short. Perhaps it is the hereditary problem. I am always using this excuse to comfort myself..Haha!! Besides that, I am a thin guy too.

 Top 5 websites i that visited the most:
1. Facebook - www.facebook.com
Facebook is the top 1 website i have visited the most nowadays. I access facebook because i want to make more friends and i can play some mini games inside facebook.
2. Baidu as known as 百度 - www.baidu.com
I can get the news about football in this website.
3. Google - www.google.com.my
I search information and pictures about my assignment by using google.
4. WBLE - http://wble.utar.edu.my
Downloads my lectures and tutorial questions.
5. Youtube - www.youtube.com
Searching and watching videos at youtube.

Top 5 internet activities
1. Playing internet games
2. Chatting with friends
3. Downloads new songs and movies
4. Finding useful information for my study
5. Watching movies


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